Who is God, Anyway?
An essay on the Nature of Divine Being

by Kelly Lee Phipps


        Religion is a complex subject to approach because like the splintered cross it is old and cracked like a winding road through tangled woods and brings just as much agony as it does relief.  In ancient times, mankind invented religion out of respect, awe, and fear for their miraculous elemental environment.  They saw how beautiful and harsh the world could be and were terrified and elated at the same time.  The true root word for religion is the Latin "religio" which means to "re-link", to bind back together with God.  The implication is that we each need to find a way to re-link ourselves with the divine intelligence who created everything and who we are extensions of..  The Biblical Creation Myth states that when God created man he breathed his spirit into our nostrils.  That's pretty clear that we are only alive because we are extensions of God which I like to define as eternal being.  

        Now I'm treading into fierce waters when I get into my own beliefs.  I don't think we need to "believe" in God as if he were some kind of magical fairy that's going to vanish if we don't believe in his existence.  I think we need to know God, to share a unique relationship with eternal being.  If I had to pick a religion I would have to say I'm a Christian mystic, Taoist  poet-Magi.  Now that's a mouthful!  I am inspired by the Biblical stories and their lessons of love, forgiveness, inner peace, and the inner battle to align our lower egotistical, selfish selves with our higher, cosmic loving origin.  I write about these themes in my fantasy adventure novels all the time.  But I'm also deeply inspired by the wisdom of the Far East in Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism, and the spiritual path of awakening through body wisdom and nature wisdom.  I also love the Celtic wisdom and the Egyptian and Persian teachings.  My religion is pretty much like Einstein described it when he called it Cosmic Religion.  It's universal.  It works for everyone and doesn't alienate or isolate any group.  I have deep reverence for nature, the stars and planets, love, and languages, but I do not "worship" them in the Biblical sense.  I am aware that there is a deeper intelligence behind creation that lives in my heart and I open to that intelligence in my meditations and when I write.  To me, sitting before the blank page with my heart aimed at eternity is my Zazen, my temple, my praise, and in the words of Antonio Michado, my listening at the shores of the great silence.

        Overall I would have to declare that my path in life is one of communicating with divinity through the celestial spheres.  I am here to engage the infinite.  So the ancients would have called someone like me a Magi or Astrologer, like the three wise men who came to visit Yehoshua (Jesus) after his birth.  I wrote a poem about their journey called Quest of the Magi.  There is definitely a dark force that we are struggling against in the world.  You only have to look at the way our society is to see that!  Watch the news for ten minutes and you'll see how prevalent the evil is.  But I think we create most of this evil through ignorance of universal principles of harmony.  I believe that evil is just the inharmonious blending of the natural forms, colors, and tones of good.  If you play a note on an instrument it may sound "good".  But if you combine it with other notes it can sound melodious or awful, depending on how you blend the music, how you create it.  This is the same with the world of forms and the realm of dimensions.  There is a recipe for wholeheartedness, and our world has lost it!  In any recipe if you don't follow the steps and use the right amount of ingredients then it could turn out disastrous.

        Life too has a recipe for living a balanced existence in harmony with the divine current.  There are Seven Energy groups which make up what I call the Way of Fruition.  This is the "Diet" that leads to Am-ness, unified consciousness with divine being.  Here are the Seven Energy Groups:

Fire/Air Polarity
Water/Earth Polarity
Eternal Being/Love
Sunshine & Celestial Energy
Pure Breathing & Mental Stimulation
Pure Drinking & Emotional Expression
Pure Eating & Nature Connection
Transformation & Change
Love & Relationships/Community
Pure Sleep & Meditation

        My goal in life is to balance these energy groups for total physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  It is holistic living made simple.  Just get enough of each of these energy groups and watch how your life flows.  I know when I'm out of balance intuitively.  And I can look at these energies in my life and see where I've gotten off track.  Fire, Air, and Water are the Divine Elements in the sense that God is always showing up in scriptures as burning bushes, mountain top clouds or winds, or living waters pouring out of rocks in the desert.  They symbolize the Cosmic Trinity of God's essence.  Air and Water are the Yang and Yin elements, the masculine and feminine faces of divine being and divine image in which we move and live and have our being.  

        The Christians are always calling God Father, inherited from the overly-masculine Hebrew culture where they referred to God as Abba, father.  Some of the New Age folks prefer calling divinity Goddess in revolt over four-thousand years of patriarchy.  I think the answer is unification as always in this Age of Pisces.  God can neither be male or female and yet contains both and more!  Even the Hebrews described God on certain occasions as the "many- breasted One."  God is both Yin and Yang unified.  I often meditate on the koan "What is God divided by two?"  Yehoshua said that the most important principle was that God is One, the unification of Divine being.  In my fantasy writing the Elves always refer to the creator as the Eternal One.  So what is God divided by two?  Well the Yin/Yang answer works but it's not so cut and dried.  I think the answer, and koans don't really have logical answers, is vibration.  

Unification leads to Vibration.

        When you study astrophysics you find that everything is energy in vibration, including matter.  So the Air or Yang face of Eternal Being is the phenomena we recognize as space, awareness, intelligence, and Spirit flowing.  While the Water or Yin face of Eternal Being is what we recognize as organic pattern, wisdom, and compassion.  When Air and Water symbolically merge the Element of Fire is created in the mix which symbolizes light, creativity, and the spark of life and love.  So now there is consciousness in the universe.  God can say "I AM!"  What a great realization that is!  "I AM WHO I AM" he said to Moses.  So once the universe is in a state of cosmic vibration, rhythm is born and the wisdom and light that flows through rhythm.  When this happens inside a human being I call it the State of Amness being realized.  It's when you realize your intimate connection with everything, everyone, and especially with Eternal Being as the Ultimate Whole containing all individual wholes and flowing through them all giving connectivity and pattern to creation.  That's intense.

        So what comes out of cosmic vibration?  Is it the unified field theory that astrophysicists are searching for?  I think so.  But I also think it goes beyond mathematical equations because scientists can't write equations for why you are alive and can't come close to explaining creation as it really is.  That's the domain of metaphysics and intuition.  The third Element of Divinity is Fire, and the third process of creation that results from vibration is the Gravitational Principle of Divine Love.  Sheer consciousness, utter Amness!  The universe literally and symbolically starts to Gravitate.  Everything is attracted (in love) with everything else.  And this is the beginning of motion in the eternal realm, which gives birth to a whole new dimension in the universe that I can only call the Life of the Imagination.  William Blake said that Christ was the Imagination.

Eternal Vibration gives birth to Gravitation,
the principle of Divine Love.

        These are the three critical components of God: Unification, Vibration, and Gravitation.  Air, Fire, Water and their mysterious union which is beyond words.  The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao!  The word God can't even contain Eternal Being.  But I think the sound AH which is hidden in God and Tao is key.  It's the same Ah! you say whether you're inspired or in pain.  An old Japanese poet-monk named Kukai wrote an amazing poem about this Ah sound.  He understood all this centuries ago.

Singing Images of Fire

The hand moves and the fire's 
whirling takes different shapes.
All things change when we do.
The first word, Ah!
blossoms into all others.
Each of them is true...

        I think it is this unified field of Divine Love, Wisdom, and Creativity that both Yehoshua (Jesus) and Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha) aligned with and became one with.  I think they surrendered their will to Divine Will to the point where they embodied eternal being.  They brought God into the body, or out of the body where it lived all along.  We all have the Image of Divinity within and according to the Hebrew scriptures God created us in his image, male and female.  So we have the male and female aspects of eternal being within.  And the only battle lies within to unify your consciousness with this realization.  This is the ultimate quest and adventure of life.  But I think it scares the hell out of people because the intuition is that you're not going to survive this quest and the intuition is entirely correct.  Your old selfish lazy self won't and can't survive.  But your new reborn self will rise out of the ashes of the old.  This is what it means to be reborn, a twice-born individual.  And actually, the Greek term in the New Testament means literally "to be born from above".  The implication is to be born from Heaven Within.  But people would rather have someone do it for them and would rather not as Paul says, "work out their salvation with fear and trembling."  When Leo Tolstoy wrote his masterpiece "The Kingdom of Heaven Within", the Russians exiled him.  No one wants to hear that the spiritual path is a dangerous journey.  So instead they dive into relationships which is really the same thing.  They think they'll just settle for the pleasures of love, but all love is a reflection of this Gravitational Divine Love that holds the planets in orbit and the stars on course around the galactic center.  So either way we come to it, even beyond the threshold of death, the ultimate transformation.

        It's kind of strange to think that planets orbit the sun because they are in love with the sun.  But it's okay in our thoughts to think of lovers orbiting each other (being together) due to the power and mystery of love.  This third aspect of Divinity is the love that binds us all.

        As gravitation comes into being the potential is realized for creation.  Gravitation leads to the stage of Divine Imagination which I like to refer to as the Dream of God.  In this stage the three-fold or triune God starts to dream the possibility of creation.  This is when awareness realizes that it can create!  So after I Am, eternal being gets really excited and declares I can Create!  Thus the Dream of God flows through the universe to produce a kind of background prototype of creation we like to call the spiritual realm which is really just the imagination of God extended into Space and Time.  This spiritual realm has many intersections and dimensions and it's the realm in which the angelic entities were first given life.  It was the realm of the physical universe's conception.  But the physical realm still had to go through the creative process of labor.  The word universe is derived from "uni" which means "one" and "verse" which means "to turn."  So the universe is literally the Turning of the Eternal One!  The word conversation is equally startling because it implies that we can turn or "verse" with (con) the One and each other!

Gravitation leads to the stage of Imagination,
the Epic Dream of God.

        At this point the possibility of form is realized through the mixture of all that is Good.  I think our concept of Cosmic Evil enters at this stage when one of the created beings in the Imagination Realm tries to take over that realm.  Suddenly this angelic being says, "Hey, I'm creative too."  But then he goes on to think incorrectly, "Hey I must be God"  Which leads him to declare, "Hey, you other beings lower than me, bow down and worship.  I am the living God of eternity."  Big mistake!  Here we have a mix up but it's a little bigger and more cosmic in its implication than playing two notes that don't go together.  But it's pretty much the same principle of inharmony emerging from two good things that were mixed incorrectly.  But God keeps on dreaming anyway right on down to creation.   

Divine Imagination leads to the
Seven Stages of Creation

        I think the Biblical seven days of creation were actually astrological Ages from Pisces on down to Virgo and the fabled Garden of Eden.  The Age of Virgo was the time when God rested and Man roamed the earth and multiplied.  We used to live a thousand years in those days.  What happened?  The wave of inharmonic vibes must have swept in from the spiritual realm and now were sitting here forgetting our true nature and destroying our planet.  In our modern culture of technological sophistication, God has been slain on the alters of both science and religion and replaced with the human ego.  Call me ultra-traditional, but I think I'd like to align my life with the Eternal Spirit of Love and Harmony moving through and guiding the universe.  This is why enlightened folks like Yehoshua and Gautama came along to illuminate the Way of Living Truth.  And this Way as the Tao calls it too is a life of deep faith in eternal being and a life of simplicity, contemplation, and sharing in the spirit of love.  If I had to recommend a book about it all I'd say read "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ."  My astrology teacher handed me a copy when I began my studies at 14 and I was blown away.  It goes deeper than the Bible, even into the 17 missing years of Jesus' life when he went to India and they called him Issa, the Light from the West.  It gives a great non-denominational, universal look at the life and teachings of Yehoshua (Jesus).  Check it out.  But also learn about Hebrew and Greek writing and study the scriptures.  You'll be amazed how inaccurate and devoid of poetry our English translation are.  In our Bible, the first line of Genesis says, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth."  In Hebrew the meanings come across more deeply as, "The first fruits of the Sacred Spirit aspiring to express eternity through a fountain of Divine Wisdom were the creation of the celestial dimensions and the manifest worlds."  Now that's some scripture you can write home about!  

        Great teachers have come throughout the last 6 Ages to remind us of eternity and unconditional love.  It's like God is still at the center of creation trying to have a conversation with us but our lives are too busy for eternity, silence,  and contemplation.  So we live these shallow lives in desperation trying to stay alive in the world while were committing spiritual suicide.  And we try to fill the spiritual void with TV, sex, movies, recreation, and plastic religions that don't make sense.  When all you have to do is go within and listen at the edge of the great silence and let it guide you.  It's that simple.  Cultivate a relationship with Eternal Being through your creative power and the living conversation with Divinity in your heart.  The scriptures say that God has placed eternity in the hearts of humans and hidden it from them, and that we don't understand why this is so.  Well there is a season for everything including you realizing that eternity is etched into your heart.  That's why I study astrology so deeply.  It opens up a living daily conversation with God through the motions of the universe.  I can get fired up about that.  It's sheer poetry woven by the Eternal One.  God, I sound like a preacher!  

The Seven Ages of Creation made way for
the Seven Ages of Civilization.

        These last six astrological Ages have been leading up to the Seventh Sabbath Age of Aquarius, the enlightened man pouring forth the rich waters of divine wisdom from the sacred urn.  This is the Age we've all been waiting for!  And yes I do believe their will be a massive awakening on the planet.  But I don't think it's going to be a Hollywood version of Jesus coming down out of the clouds followed by a Holy Ghost with a sheet on and some white-bearded, Saturn-like figure who I'm supposed to bow down and worship.  That's insanity!  I think that slowly there will be a rapture in people's hearts that brings them back into alignment with the eternal heartbeat.  I think the Second Coming will be more like a fiery orgasm in our hearts where our corroded, egotistical minds fall away with all their worldly desires die as the planet is aglow with spiritual light.  I think Earth will become one of many planets in the galaxy to have a spiritual awakening.  And I think these 7 Ages of Civilization that we've been grinding through are paving the way for the seventh and final installment in the unfolding of the Divine Image which I like to call the Ages of Illumination where each person activates 100% potential and people get to travel the stars in their spiritual bodies!   

And the Seven Ages of Civilization point the way to the Ages of Illumination!   

And thus goes the Poem of Being!

Here's a poem I wrote about religion called
Bind Me Back Together

phone: (828) 808-3512
Asheville, NC

copyright ©2006 Divine Inspiration Astrology & Kelly Lee Phipps