The New Moon
by Kelly Lee Phipps

Every month there is a New Moon that occurs somewhere in your chart.  The New Moon is the time when the invisible moon moves in front of the sun, sometimes blacking out the sun's light to create a solar eclipse.  The New Moon is a powerful time of fertility and renewal in the astrological House that it falls in.  Check your chart!  Every circle has 360 degrees.  Since the circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 Signs, each one has 30 degrees.  The New Moon occurs in a Sign when both the Sun and Moon transit though it.  Every month the New Moon is in the same Sign for everyone on Earth.  However, depending on your unique chart structure, the New Moon will occur in a different astrological House.  The Houses symbolize the fields of life experience and activity.

When Luna and Sol pull on the Earth from the same side, the way is opened for purging and renewal as galactic forces are able to penetrate the atmosphere especially at night.  Listen closely during the three nights before and after the New Moon.  You can hear the galaxy breathing!  There is something special happening as the galactic stream of energy penetrates the night side of the Earth.


The exact syzygy or conjunction of the Sun and Moon is a time of vision-questing.  For three and a half days before and after the New Moon ask yourself what kind of new beginnings you want to initiate in the field of life experience that hosts the New Moon.

The three and a half day period before the New Moon is called the Balsamic Phase and it symbolizes the natural breakdown and release of old structures to make way for the renewal that penetrates your life under the New Moon.  It is a very sacred, spiritual time when you can even feel the Earth releasing.  Spend some time soaking up the silence in deep meditation, rest, reflection, artistic creativity, or helping to alleviate suffering on the planet.  In this way you will be prepared to embrace the shift in energy after the New Moon.  The same advice goes for the two and a half days that the Moon transits through your 12th House.

On the actual day of the exact New Moon conjunction focus on what you want to renew during the emerging lunar month.  Imagine that you've been given a spiritual seed that is very special, almost magical, and reflect on how you want to allow this seed to take root in your life and bring fulfillment.  Start out working with your thoughts and emotions to invite this wondrous opportunity into your life.  Devise a strategy!

The ancients did not have common knowledge of the exact degrees of the New Moon like we do with our computers.  They simply recognized that the moon disappeared for three days or so and that it was a time of going within and overcoming fears by returning to the source of life in the flow of eternal wisdom.  When the actual moon reappeared as the crescent they were overjoyed.  As far as they were concerned, the Eternal One had decided to grant life another month!  Many enlightened myths reflect this truth of symbolic death and rebirth, from Jonas in the belly of the Whale to Christ rising on the 3rd day.  This new jolt of inspiration and the feelings of renewal stimulated much communal activity.  In time, people discovered that the day after the exact conjunction was the best time to sow the seeds for the next cycle and to bring the energy of renewal into the physical dimension.  When the crescent reappeared it was a time of high action, celebration, and vitality!

"Sound the Ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our feast."

                                                                                                                Psalms 81:3

"At feast and New Moon festivals, sound your trumpets over your offerings."

                                                                                                                Numbers 10:10

"To everything there is a season.  God has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of people; yet they cannot fathom what he has done from beginning to end."

                                                                                                 Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3:11


Why does the Hebrew Bible admonish to blow the Ram's horn under the New Moon?  Because a New Moon is a time of new beginnings just like the archetype of Aries the Ram that gives rebirth to the world each equinox.  Aries symbolizes the pioneer, leader, adventurer, hero, and warrior.  Every New Moon contains a major dose of Arian fire calling us to seize the moment and live with purpose and passion.

Why does the above quote from the Old Testament also say to blow the horn on the Full Moon?  Because the Full Moon and New Moon are intricately connected.  Most folks think that the fulfillment of the New Moon potential happens two weeks later under the Full Moon.  However, the Full Moon following the New Moon occurs in a different House in your astrological chart!  The actual flowering of the New Moon occurs 6 months later when the sun has reached the opposite side of the chart and the Full Moon falls in the same house as the New Moon did.  The Full Moon is a time of vision, illumination, adjustment, relationship, and awareness, and the flowering of seeds planted under the new moon.  If you planted the New Moon seed in the same house six months ago, then you'll feel great under the Full Moon and you'll receive a vision.  If not, then you'll probably be agitated like most people who aren't in rhythm with this natural cycle of sowing and reaping.  The Full Moon acts like a report card to help you get back on track with your progress.  Ask how can I renew my commitment to the seed vision I planted 6 months ago in the house that contains the full moon?

The New Moon in a particular House doesn't reach illumination until six months later when the Full Moon occurs in the same House.  I had to repeat that just so you get it straight!  Don't start something under the New Moon and hope for completion of the project two weeks later.  Plan for six months.  Eternity likes to move slowly.  It's computer speed is zero.  You have to slow down to connect with eternity.  During that six months you should water the seed by nourishing your longing to grow and learn.  Tend the garden that you've planted.  If you pull the weeds from the garden of your soul and work toward the illumination of the Full Moon, you'll be one happy moon-gazer 6 months down the road. 

By the 8th month after your new moon planting you'll begin feasting on the harvest of your endeavors.  This is the time of the Disseminating Phase, exactly 45 days after the Full Moon, or basically the New Moon that follows the Full Moon in any lunation cycle.  So you plant the seed under the New Moon, then you get your report card under the Full Moon, and then you get to feast on the ripe fruit under the Disseminating Phase about 6 weeks after the Full Moon.  If you forgot to water your garden of visions, then you'll have to wait till next year when the cycle begins again.  Each journey around the sun grants us one chance in each house for new beginnings and activities.  Make use of them!

The best thing you can do is to keep a Lunation Journal where you devote twelve sections to the New and Full Moon cycles that happen each year.  That way you can write about what you want to create in your life and watch how it all unfolds, remembering that weeds build character!  Challenges make you stronger.  As you become more advanced you can start tracking the Waxing and Waning Quarter Moons as well.  The key is to become acquainted with the magic of the unfolding rhythm and learn to harness it in your life.  

Start simple.  The first step is to find out where the next New Moon is happening.  What Sign is it in?  Where does it fall in your chart?    That will tell you the archetypal vibration involved.  Use the character images of the archetype.  If it's a New Moon in Aries imagine a warrior setting out to face a new and dangerous challenge in the field of life where the New Moon falls in your chart.  If it's a New Moon in Capricorn, imagine an organized manager starting a new business venture in the House where the New Moon falls in your chart.  Imagination is the key to conversing with the archetypes.  Use it boldly!  Once you get in synch with this Lunation Cycle you'll be amazed at how it guides you each year repeating the same pattern over and over.

Where are you bringing renewal into your life this month?  What House does the New Moon fall in?  Always remember that if the New Moon is within five degrees of the cusp of the next House then both fields of life experience are being infused with new life.





phone: (828) 808-3512
Asheville, NC

copyright ©2006 Divine Inspiration Astrology & Kelly Lee Phipps