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Elemental Wave Chronicles

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle

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There is a bold and vibrant elemental patten to the events and seasons of human history, marked by the Great Conjunction cycle of Jupiter and Saturn every 20 years. In this work, Kelly Lee Phipps explores in-depth the seven 800-year Elemental Epochs over the last 5000 years starting from the birth of civilizations under the Sumerians of Uruk.

During each Epoch, there are 8 Elemental Wave periods: four pure Element periods (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) are interspersed with four hybrid transitional periods that together demarcate Scientific Revolutions, Industrial Revolutions, Intellectual Renaissances and Spiritual and Artistic Revivals. In this groundbreaking, visionary work you will come to understand exactly how history is shaped by cultures and civilizations responding to this cycle.


Experience historical cycles like never before in this engaging work that explores the epoch-shaping power of the astrological elements.

Understand the source of great conflicts in human nature including religious wars, droughts, epidemics, slavery, and more.

Realize the history and evolution of astrological ideas through the ages.

Contemplate the four phases of a Great Conjunction 20-year cycle and see how each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction unfolds within a culture modified by the Element, Sign themes, and aspects to manifest its full gifts under the midpoint opposition.

Learn about Jupiter as the Urge for Inspiration and Need for Enculturation and how it blends with Saturn's Urge for Maturity and Need for Structure to craft cultural establishments.

By understanding the intricate patterns of history through Elemental Waves and Chronicles, understand the roots of cultures and the obvious future of civilization as the Aquarian Age emerges.

Understand the events of our unique and unprecedented time through the focused lens of predictable historical developments and patterns.

Learn how the 172-year Uranus-Neptune Conjunction Cycle works alongside the Jupiter-Saturn Cycle to shape original and dynamic cultural memes.

Understand the 4000-year Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto conjunction cycle that initiated the Axial Age with the advent of Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism and Greek Philosophy and Art in 576 BCE and see when the next one occurs and what it may symbolize!

Learn how your Moon Sign, South Node, and Nadir may connect you to cultures of the past and understand their meanings in relation to historical cycles.

By the time you finish this riveting epic journey of 60-pages, your mind and heart will glow with the inspiring possibilities available to humanity.


"Kelly Lee Phipps brings a vigorous new voice to the literature of astrology. His approach is full of vivid stories and archetypal metaphors, and he avoids the fortune-teller's hell of changeless, dead-end, "descriptions" of people, replacing them with a solid respect for our human creativity and unpredictability."
~ Steven Forrest